Every picture tells a ...

As I progress towards a significant birthday, I thought it would be a nice idea to record and share some of my experiences. Much of my time is spent walking with our youngish Cairn Terrier (Bruce aka The Brewster or BruceNO! depending on what he's doing) so I anticipate that many of my photos will develop from these walks. This may also explain why some may be a little blurred as he tugs me away to continue his quest to wee on as many things as possible or to sniff extensively some of the most disgusting things known to man (or dog). I also try to make it more challenging by not wearing my bins (reading glasses) so that I'm never completely sure what will be included in my photos.

I have now slipped into the habit of carrying my compact camera and scanning around for subjects for my next blip. I hope that you find some pleasure and/or enjoyment from my rather feeble efforts.